_We love what we do, love the people we work with...and try to deliver a great experience at every visit._.jpg

At Ivory Dental Group, we offer a varied selection of dental services, including cosmetic dentistry,  dental implants, and Invisalign braces. Located in Downtown Minneapolis, we are offering high-quality services to meet all of our patients wants and needs.  Almost all procedures are regularly completed in our office,  without the need for a specialist referral. With over 25 years of experience as dentists, we've seen almost everything. And, with the latest training from Cole, we're ready to address old problems with new solutions to make the process as painless for you as possible.

By using the newest technology available, we have improved the speed of treatments by minimizing the number of visits required to achieve amazing results. We have digital scanners for making crowns in only one appointment. We also use the Planmecca x-ray system, which makes taking digital images a quick and painless process. 

Cosmetic Dentistry

We offer a variety of EXTREMELY high quality cosmetic dental solutions. Over the years, Ivory Dental Group has become renown for it’s amazing cosmetic dental cases. We are highly trained, skilled and always in tune to the latest emerging research in dentistry. Because of these attributes & commitments, cosmetic dentistry and full mouth reconstruction cases are a perfect fit with our practice. We are a premium office that delivers premium dental veneers, crowns, teeth bonding services and teeth whitening services.

Digital X-ray

Each of out clients start out with an appointment to have their X-rays taken. Our digital radiographs (X-rays) reduce your radiation exposure by up to 80%. Digital radiography has allowed us to capture pictures of your teeth faster, easier and more comfortably than ever before! Our team uses digital radiography and in office computer monitors to help you see and understand any problem that may need treatment.  Intraoral Camera: A picture is worth a thousand word!. Our dental camera can take pictures of your teeth to show you what we see in a non-invasive, pain-free way!


emergency dentistry

Whether you have an avulsed (knocked out) tooth, lost a crown or a filling or you chipped, cracked or broke a few teeth, our Emergency dental services can get you out of pain and repair the damage done.  


A root canal is often needed when a cavity, crack or trauma has caused the nerve to die. Also, if a tooth is “infected” an abscess will result, and a root canal is the treatment of choice to save the tooth.


We use tooth­-colored composite as a tooth filling material. The material is very esthetic and is a more conservative treatment when compared to the silver amalgam fillings. With composite fillings, only the decayed portion of the tooth is removed. The adhesive is placed between the tooth and the composite is bonded to the tooth. In general, composites allow for smaller, conservative fillings and that helps maintain a tooth’s longevity.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

For patients with tartar build up or who do not enjoy the traditional “tooth scraping’ instruments: Our team utilizes state of the art ultrasonic cleaning instruments (like a ‘sonicare toothbrush’) to clean your teeth with very fine vibrations and a water spray to remove tartar, or dental calculus, from your teeth.



Crowns (AKA “caps”) are a porcelain covering that is used to protect a broken tooth and/or alter the shape, color and appearance of a tooth. Crowns are used on teeth that have large fillings, cracks and/or root canals. Also, crowns are used in cosmetic cases to complete ‘smile makeovers.’


Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are porcelain coverings that are bonded to the front of your teeth. They are used to alter the color, shape, and even alignment of your teeth with minimum alteration to the enamel. Modern porcelain crowns are very life aesthetic and match exactly the adjacent teeth. Front teeth are usually the most common teeth to receive veneers.

Invisalign Braces

Invisalign braces are a clear tray alternative to traditional orthodontics. Invisalign is a great treatment option for “cosmetic orthodontic cases” and it can be paired with other cosmetic dentistry options like: veneers, porcelain crowns and teeth whitening. Invisalign uses a series of clear trays that are changed out every 1-2 weeks. These trays move the teeth to the ideal position. Rotated teeth, cross bites, tooth gaps and tipped teeth can be predictably treated with invisalign aligners.

Composite Teeth Bonding

Composite teeth bonding is a very conservative to cosmetically improve the position, shape & color of teeth that are stained, crooked and/or broken. This procedure involves placing a “white filling” or resin composite material onto the enamel of your teeth. Usually this procedure can be complete without any shots or numbing! The bonded composite fillings are long lasting, look just like your natural teeth and can be completed in a single appointment!

Here is a list of more sites to help you understand dental services

1) Crest - Cosmetic Dentistry Explained

2) AAE - Root Canals Explained

3) Colgate - Teeth bonding & Crowns and Bridges

4) Mayo Clinic - Dental Implants