You just went to the dentist, and got some bad new…the tooth you’ve been having issues with is NOT saveable! This is often very traumatic news for patients, but fear not…there are options to replace that missing tooth! I’ve been working placing and restoring dental implants since I started my dental career (over a decade ago). I was fortunate to have been able to personally study under one of the masters of dental implant - Dr Carl Misch. Early on in my career I completed my courses and training in dental implant surgery and prosthetics at his institute in California. Dr Misch passed away about a year ago, but his dental legacy continues to live on through the profession.


Because of my background in dental implant surgery as well as cosmetic dentistry - I am able to oversee every step of the case from start to finish. I place the implant where i what/how i want…and then I design and deliver an amazing restoration. I use 3d imaging before EVERY dental implant case in order to ensure that is planned perfectly from the get go. 3D imagaing (see image on left), or cone beam CT technology allows me to visualize the area of the jaw before planning the surgery. Bone is critical for implants…You need sufficient bone volume to hold the implant (think…metal tooth root) inplace before you attach the crown. The crown and abutment (metal post that attaches to the implant) are typically designed and delivered 4-6 months after implants placment. Many patients mention that they’ve seen commercials stating people can get “teeth in a day”. My response is that although - some - implants can be placed the same day the tooth is removed - the bone ALWAYS needs time to heal to the implant before it is strong enough to support a crown and the forces associated with the patients bite. So, NO we never give patients dental implants in a day. I perfer to do things with maximum success rate, predictability and the best overall result. With dental implants, this usually means we have to wait. If a patient wants an interim tooth replacement - while the implant is healing - we can often fabricate a temporary tooth to fill the missing space. This allows the patient to smile and talk without being worried about a big visible “hole” between their teeth.

Here is a recent case of ours…

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Our patient lost a front tooth bridge he had worn for years. We were able to plan a series of implants and porcelain implant crowns to replace a 2 teeth missing space. The patient had bone grafting, implant placement and wore a temporary front tooth prosthesis until the implants were fully healed. We then partnered with our master ceramist to fabricate a beautiful impalnt crown to seat onto the fully healed implants. The patient was thrilled with the results. If you lose a tooth, don’t panic! Sign up for a consult and let me guide you through the dental implant process to see if its the right fit for you!

~Dr Brenny

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